Membership & Extracurricular Activities

Istanbul Bar Association Commission of Information Technology Law,
AI Working Group
We are doing research and preparing infographics regarding AI and Law.
Istanbul Bar Association’s Orchestra
I am playing drums in the first Orchestra of Istanbul Bar Association. We are playing wide variety of Turkish songs.

Kavlak Academy
I passed all three stages of examination. The program concentrated on sustainability, information technology skills, IT Law, ethics and social responsibility.
I competed the Academy program successfully by coming in the first participant between 30 law students which have chosen with three staged exam between 1000+ law students.
Kenaroglu Law Firm IP School
A comprehensive program enriched with intellectual property law, patent law, trademark law and practice.

Aksay Academy
It was an interesting journey! This was the first academy that I attended except in İstanbul. We built bridged between İstanbul and İzmir. I learned various skills on law profession and practice in the field.
Bilim Akademisi
İstanbul Bilgi University
A comprehensive program enriched with IT law. It lasted three days and I found the opportunity to listen professionals from the corners of Turkey.

Team Member
ISTAC Future Arbitration Counsel Competition (Team has been ranked on top 16 during oral rounds)
Moderator & Organizer
Postgraduate and Erasmus in Law Education

Board Member
Junior Coach
29th Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot [MEF University]

Secretary General
MEF University Law Club
Aksan Academy

28th Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot
Team Member of MEF University
Vice President
MEF University Music Club
Drummer in all three active groups

Cagaloglu Anatolian High School Music Club
Organized Spring Fest and CALFEST
Gave Drum Lessons to 27 Students Voluntarily
Team Member
Cagaloglu Anatolian High School - Beşyıldız Sports Club - Tanyıldız Sports Club Basketball Teams
Played as PG/SG #9